Tobey Talk
Sunday, November 30, 2003
In a letter to the U. S. Congress:

Bush believes himself right, but noone now who isn't a moral psychotic agrees with him. When the thug Saddam ruled the people who elected him, the world was safe from the evil of any but fundamentalist religious criminals. Yes, the derilection of police and intelligence agencies had allowed the 9/11 catastrophe, but apart from the results of failed police work, Bush propaganda notwithstanding, the world was safe. Who would have thought a few American businessmen with a little dis-information would be able to use all the resources at the command of the U.S. Congress, the Pentagon, and the Whitehouse for their own profit? Not many Anerican youth are amoung the thousands of innocents dead.

What exactly do you intend to do about it?

A constituent.

Sunday, November 23, 2003
Dear A.

Thanks for the feedback!

I'm looking for ways to get more involved in supporting Howard Dean.

We could look for flaws in his platform and write him with suggestions.
I like him because:

1 I think he's honest.

2 He opposed the war from the start, for good reasons,
seeing it for what it was, not because he's some kind of peacenik.

Gotta run.


"Seek the highest, and the rest of life will fall into place."

Tuesday, November 18, 2003
More and more Americans are mad too.

Dear River,

Last night Cheney was in our town speaking at a restaurant, charging $1000 a plate to raise money to advertise for the Bush Cheney reelection. A week before I joined the Democratic party to vote for Howard Dean in the primary. I had joined the Republican party for the last election to vote for John McCain in that primary. I haven't been so politically minded since the Viet Nam War - an equally criminal act against people even less threatening to any legitimate American interest than was Saddam. I don't deny that Saddam was a thug, but this made him predictable and therefore less un-useful than some in the mix of boobs, fanatics, and opportunists it seems we've replaced him with - apologies to any who may be sincere!

The draw of Cheney, I hear, sold 300 dinners. I choose to interpret it as his administration's anticipation of what it will take to avoid regime change in the next election. Personally I hope it's not nearly enough, and that whatever enough is, they fall way short of it. Protesters stood outside and chanted, "My country is not for sale." Buying it back will take a lot more than money....

But the people outside are made of the same stuff that built the country so lately the hope to freedom lovers around the world. Some are descended from the ones who created the first democratic government not authorized by a pre-existing power. Then they threw out the minions of a tyrant an ocean away. They can handle a few arrogant despots in Washington - who would have wilted from a glance from the real Washington! They just need to wake up a little more. Complacency is eroding.

I can't tell you enough, you are not alone and your ever faithful reporting is much appreciated!


Each moment a new tale is shouting to be told in silence..

Monday, November 17, 2003
I'm a liberal conservative. Many would call this oxymoronic. I'm liberal in that I believe in giving and practicing spiritual freedom, conservative in believing in personal responsibility, the rule of law, telling the truth, doing what I say, and not infringing on the persons and property of others. I submit that I could not practise my liberal way of life were it not predicated on the conservative framework.

If my position appears contradictory, it's because both words, liberal and conservative, have lost their real meaning during their history of becoming slurs. To the pseudo-conservative, a liberal is a thief, seeking to rob anyone but himself to buy any vote for sale. While there may be many people who fit the profile, I say they should be called pseudo-liberals; not liberals. To the pseudo-liberal, a conservative is a bigotted liar and possibly a religious fanatic to boot. I call such people pseudo-conservatives and neo-cons. Neither type of pseudo believes in his heart there is really such a thing as an honest man and immediately tries to discredit any they encouhter. Even if honest people seem comparatively rare, I submit it is ultimately part of everyone's mission on earth to become one, however long that may take, if he is not one already. (I can see my ex sharpening her feminist claws--women, yes, can and should develop honesty too! An honest woman is no less of God's greatest work than an honest man...!)

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